教程]Making of “Set out for Lover”
Making of “Set out for Lover”
by T.G.Jay
Email: tinyglobe@hotmail.com
Homepage: www.tgjay.com
In the deep forest, there are some tree guys. They live happily, but some of them are interested in the world outside. So is Melody who is Jay’s Lover. She left for the mysterious world and told Jay that she would come back when sun shone in the dark forest. Several years later, sunshine lightened the whole forest. Jay set out to prepare a big surprise for Melody even if he didn’t know whether She would come back……
在茂密的森林里,住着一群树栖人。他们安乐地生活着,但是他们对外面的世界一无所知,充满好奇。Jay的恋人Melody就对外面的世界十分感兴趣。最终,她决定出去看看。她 告诉Jay,当阳光再次布满森林的时候,她会回到他身边。几年过去了,阳光的确再次眷顾森林。Jay知道Melody就要回来了,他打算给Melody一个十足的惊喜,但是Melody能不能出现仍然是一个未知数……
Yes, it’s my new story about tree guys. They are hairy and shaggy. The story will become a CG Short later. I’m now doing the concept of the story. “Set out for Lover” describes the scenario, which Jay is setting out for his lover. It’s the first scene design of “Tree guys”. I think it will affect the entire visual effects. So I painted many necessary details which seems to be over painted now.
不错,这是我的新故事,它讲述了长毛袈身的树栖人的故事。也许,这个故事不久后就能成为一部CG短篇。我正在为短篇做概念设计。“Set out for Lover”描述了故事场景之一。你可以看到,Jay正动身外出。正是因为这是我为我的新故事做的第一张概念设计,所以我在设计稿中加足了细节,这些细节在现在看来是不必要的,但它终将成为整个短片画面质量的一个标杆。
In this tutorial, I will show you some skills to accomplish the work. I haven’t any art background before and totally self-tought. Two years age I picked up Maya. One year age I was involved in painting. So you don’t mind if you are a hobbyist. You can have a command of these skills easily. Nevertheless, it’s worthy to mention that 3D skills help me a lot. I’m working at shading and rendering. It’s another efficient way for me to understand lights in the world. Everyone could learn from 3D applications for consideration.
[ 本帖最后由 tinyglobe 于 2006-10-10 00:14 编辑 ] 图片附件: orig554.jpg (2006-9-19 22:40, 144.96 K)
Skill 1: Story makes work attractive.
Someone told me that he saw something to happen in the frame. He could imagine the story outside the frame though his one is different from mine. “Set out for lover” owns its background story. I designed the expression and action for this tree guy, the plant and hanging bridge for the scene. When the viewers are told the tree guy story, they may look for some details in the work again. That’s exciting.
有人告诉,他看到画面里面正在发生的,甚至联想到了画面外的东西,尽管我知道他的联想和我的设想肯定大相径庭。“Set out for lover”有自己的故事背景,几乎所有的东西都是被设计过的,包括画面中角色的表情和场景道具等。也许观众被告之其中的彩蛋后,会饶有兴趣地再琢磨其中的细节。这也是让作者感到兴奋的。 图片附件: prtsrc1.jpg (2006-9-19 22:41, 233.25 K)
Skill 2: The atmosphere is visible.
Atmosphere makes your work more 3d-looks. You can feel the distance between two object in the scene. There are 3 ways to get the effects:
Firstly, the near object looks saturated and strongly contrastive while the far object looks desaturated and weakly contrastive.
Secondly, cold color looks further while warm color looks nearer.
Last but not least, light fog can emphasize the object you want to describe more. It increase the contract of the entire image, catch up your eyeball easily. If you want, you can also add some dusts in the light fog.
第三,光雾能帮你强调画面中的重点。它能拉大画面的对比,从而抓住眼球。当然,在里面加上一些灰尘会有更好的效果。 图片附件: atmo1.jpg (2006-9-19 22:43, 66.24 K)
图片附件: atmo2.jpg (2006-9-19 22:43, 73.13 K)
图片附件: atmo3.jpg (2006-9-19 22:43, 287.59 K)
Skill 3: Color can help u travel further.
It’s difficult to describe the color theory in such a short tutorial. But you can recognize the difference between the image with color and the one without color. Combination of warm and cold color makes the image alive. I recommend a tutorial written by Richard Yot (http://www.itchy-animation.co.uk/tutorials/light01.htm). It will tell you where warm and cold colors come from.
很难在这样的篇幅里面阐述清楚色彩理论。但是色彩是人眼感受的第一要素,其次才是形状和纹理。很明显让物体拥有颜色能获得更好的视觉效果。下面的第一张图是没有色彩,单一的调子不能成为色彩。冷暖灰的结合才能产生令人愉悦的调子。这里,我推荐一片教程,它的作者是Richard Yot (http://www.itchy-animation.co.uk/tutorials/light01.htm)。这篇教程讲到了各种冷暖光的来源。 图片附件: color1.jpg (2006-9-19 22:44, 427.13 K)
Skill 4: leaves.
Here I will show you two photos. The first one describes the back light effect of hundreds of leaves. The leaves on the edge are bright and saturated. The second one describes the different between the front side and the back side of the leaf. The front side appears darker with high reflectivity. The back side seems to be translucent. That’s all! Actually, we can paint leaves now. But before we starts, we’d better know something about shading.
画叶子前,我们先看下面两张照片,它们比较说明问题。第一是大量叶子在背光下呈现出的效果,边缘的叶子是很暴的,色彩纯度也很高。第二张是叶子正面和背面的效果。叶子正面表现出更多的反光特性,它的表面很暗,但在特定角度有强反射。叶子背面表现出更多的透光性。有了这些理论,基本上就可以画叶子了,但在开始之前我们还要了解一下叶子的shading。 图片附件: leaf1.jpg (2006-9-19 22:45, 186.53 K)
Shaders are used to determine the relationship of color and illumination. What is the relationship of translucent and color? It seems to be more saturated near the terminator when objects look translucent. And the front side and back side of leaves have different relationships. The picture below shows five shaders. The last one is the shader of leaf. You also can see the relationship of color and illumination.
Shader描述了光照和色彩的关系。当物体很透的时候(好比叶子),它的色彩关系又是如何的呢?从下图可以看到,很透的物体在明暗交接线附近的颜色呈现出更饱和的趋势。从图中还可以看到,叶子正、反面的色彩关系也是不同的。这些观察的结果对于绘画都是有帮助的。 图片附件: leaf2.jpg (2006-9-19 22:46, 61.72 K)
Then, let’s get started. It’s hard to get the final result by painting only one time. More times you paint, more levels you get. Finally, please don’t forget the backlight effects. You can see the photo above for consideration.
我们终于可以动笔了。要想一口气获得让人透不过气来的细节当然是很困难的。涂鸦的层数越多,层次才更丰富。所以细节要一遍一遍的画才能更好地体现出来,当然画功好的话,这也是不必要的。绘制过程大致如下,最后不要忘了逆光的效果。 图片附件: leaf3.jpg (2006-9-19 22:47, 213.14 K)
Skill 5: Add some flavorings.
When you finished your work, you can add some flavorings at last. They will give you more details and make your image real. I do sharpness, glow and lens blur. Maybe you have another choice.
大功告成,最后还有一些办法可以让画面看上去有更多地细节和更好的效果。每个人的方法都有所不同,这里我加了锐化,辉光和景深效果。 图片附件: flav1.jpg (2006-9-19 22:48, 206.92 K)
图片附件: flav2.jpg (2006-9-19 22:48, 358.81 K)
图片附件: flav3.jpg (2006-9-19 22:48, 61.08 K)
Skill 6: Keep patient.
I kept up telling myself that I’m pursuing art, never give up until I feel satisfied during the period months. I’m convinced of the belief that constancy helps me do better. I think it will help you as well.
“绘画能陶冶性情”这句话一点不假,不管平时想象力多么丰富,关键的时候考验的还是细节。耐得住性子把画画完整看似花了很多时间,但这样花时间进步得更快。 图片附件: patient1.jpg (2006-9-19 22:48, 246.96 K)
This isn’t a step-by-step tutorial. It doesn’t discuss the applications, either. But it’s a general brief of my work “Set out for Lover”. I’ve told you the most important skills I’ve applied. If you’re interested in how I use the software and tablet, you could send a email to me (tinyglobe@hotmail.com) or leave a message to me (tinyglobe.spaces.live.com). Any discussion and comment are welcome. That’s all. Hope you like it.
这篇教程并没有讲软件的应用,也没具体介绍如何一片一片画出草,但是我的创作想法已经介绍得差不多了。更多的技术细节和想法可以写信(tinyglobe@hotmail.com)给我交流,或者至blog (tinyglobe.spaces.live.com)留言,我已经专门开相关日志。最后,希望大家喜欢这篇教程。
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